Chewing Gum Consultant

Professional Chewing gum industry meeting point

DSM + FIRMENICH 31/05/2022

Filed under: Mergers & Acquisitions — Joan Mestres @ 5:37 PM
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Today in the news we can see about the merger of these two giants, which will result in an even larger company, active in the fields of nutrition, flavours and fragances.

You can read the article in Foodnavigator and also in Foodingredients1st

I am sure many chewing gum producers worldwide are using, or have used Firmenich flavours at some stage- I do not know how this will affect them on short and long term. I can just say that, personally, I do not think mergers are good news, generally speaking. For sure, the potential of the new company will be huge (I am thinking on R&D potential, production capabilities,…) and I can just hope that this will be for the benefit of the customers.